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Applying a Certificate


Effective Start Date: 01/13/2011 End Date: Current

Student has Declared a Certificate in Addition to the Master’s Degree

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term the certificate is to be active for

Step 2: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 3: Select Duplicate

Step 4: Change the catalog term to reflect the SFAREGS term

Step 5: Change the priority level to the next in the sequence (most likely it will be 2)

Step 6: Type in the certificate code CERT4 or CERT30; level, college and degree will automatically populate

Step 7: Type in the campus code

Step 8: Click on the Field of Study tab

Step 9: Change the catalog term so it matches the catalog entered on the curricula tab

Step 10: Change the field of study code and enter in the department code

Step 11: If a concentration code exist arrow down and select record remove to clear the concentration for the record for the certificate

Step 12: Select Save

Removing a Certificate Student Never Started but Declared

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term

Step 2: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 3: Arrow over to the record that displays the active certificate

Step 4: Select Update

Step 5: Go to the Activity drop down box and select Inactive

Step 6: Select Save

Step 7: Email deqc@nova.edu to remove the certificate from SHADEGR if the student did not complete courses in the certificate

Removing a Certificate Student Never Started and Never Declared (Data Entry Error)

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term

Step 2: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 3: Arrow over to the record that displays the active certificate

Step 4: Select Update

Step 5: Go to the Activity drop down box and select Inactive

Step 6: Select Save

Step 7: Email deqc@nova.edu to remove the certificate from SHADEGR if the student did not complete courses in the certificate

Defer Certificate Start Term

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term

Step 2: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 3: Arrow over to the record that displays the active certificate

Step 4: Select Update

Step 5: Update the catalog term that the student is deferring the start of the certificate

Step 6: Go to the Field of Study Tab and update the catalog term

Step 7: Select Save

Step 8: Email deqc@nova.edu to update the program information for the certificate on SHADEGR

Step 9: Review SHADEGR to verify that the appropriate courses are included/excluded on the degree sequence for the certificate

Step 10: See steps for Completion of Certificate

Remove Certificate No Longer Seeking

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term in which the certificate is being inactivated

Step 2: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 3: Arrow over to the record that displays the active certificate

Step 4: Select Update

Step 5: Go to the Activity drop down box and select Inactive

Step 6: Select Save

Step 7: Email deqc@nova.edu to update SHADEGR with one of the following: withdraw the certificate sequence if the student has completed course work in the certificate or remove the certificate if the student did not complete any course work in the certificate

Step 8: Review SHADEGR to verify that the appropriate courses are included/excluded on the degree sequence for the certificate

Sought a Certificate but Did Not Declare it

Step 1: Access SFAREGS and enter the term in which the certificate has been declared (do not apply the certificate based on the first time a course was completed) excluding certificates that are not currently active (i.e. international certs) for the curriculum note in this instance must be added to the last term in which the certificate was offered. The catalog term may not match the term in which the certificate is being added.

Step 2: Confirm with program office that completed courses may apply to the sought certificate per the declared term

Step 3: Next block and access the curricula tab

Step 4: Select Duplicate

Step 5: Update the catalog term

Step 6: Update priority to level 2

Step 7: Go to the Field of Study tab

Step 8: Update the catalog term

Step 9: Select Major and enter the field of study code for the certificate. You will need to refer to the program codes located on the home page of the wiki. Do not search for codes via Banner.

Step 10: Remove any concentrations on the record if one is present

Step 11: Save

Step 12: Email deqc@nova.edu to update SHADEGR to create a degree sequence for the certificate courses

Step 13: Review SHADEGR to verify that the appropriate courses are included/excluded on the degree sequence for the certificate

Step 14: See steps for Completion of Certificate

Completion of Certificate

Step 1: Confirm that certificate program is a part of student record within Banner (SGASTDN)

Step 2: Confirm that the right courses have been completed as per the certificate program code (i.e. CERT4 or CERT30) and the degree sequence has been generated in SHADEGR

Step 3: Complete the Application for Certificate and email the form to Elizabeth Angueira and CC Laurie on the email. Elizabeth will add the student to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is located on the SBEAdvisor drive in the Certificates of Specialization folder. The sheet will track the progress of the certificate. Laurie will follow up on having the transcript updated to reflect the completed certificate program. Completed certificates are noted with an AC by the Office of the Registrar’s.

Step4: If student is only pursuing the certificate inactivate the student record. If student is pursuing more than one program and certificate is compelte inactivate the curriculum.