Common Course Numbering - Master's Program ACTIVE
Effective Start Date:08/27/2009 End Date: Current
If you need a pre-requisite evaluated, please first check the spreadsheet on the shared drive to determine equivalency. If the course is not on the list, please consider the following: If the course is from a Florida state university or community college, it will share a “common course numbering system” with other institutions throughout the state. If you determine that the course prefix and number is the same as a course on the list, you may consider it equivalent. For example, STA 2023 from BCC is statistics. Therefore, STA 2023 from PBCC is equivalent and therefore satisfies the prerequisite. It does not need further review. You may add it to the spreadsheet with no review from Steve. Please do not send these courses to Steve if their equivalencies are already on the spreadsheet. ARCHIVE