Introductory Economics - Master's Program ACTIVE
Effective Start Date: 01/04/2010 End Date: Current
The purpose of using the two separate codes is due to the MBA program requires students to take microeconomics specifically. While the MIBA program we accept either micro or macro. We have always used BBQ2 in SOATEST to show the requirement was satisfied, but this is not specific enough. This causes a problem when we code the prerequisites in Banner (it does not know to look for micro or macro), also when a student switches from MIBA to MBA it appears that they have satisfied the correct prerequisite when in fact they have not. Effective Start Date: 09/29/2009 End Date: Current
In the past, students could use either macro or micro-economics to satisfy the economics prerequisite. However, last year the prerequisite changed to microeconomics for the MBA program (please consult the 08-09 catalog). It is important to note that the change did not affect the MIBA program, however. As you will see in last year’s (and the soon to be published 09-10 catalog), MIBA students can take either macro or micro as a prerequisite. From an advising standpoint, if a student has not yet taken the prerequisite, certainly it would make more sense to advise them to take microeconomics. The course is more aligned with what the requisite knowledge the faculty thinks students should possess. However, if the course has already been taken, either macro or micro will satisfy the economics prerequisite for MIBA only. On the equivalency sheet, you will not see any macro course as equivalent to ECNP 5003. However, please notify Steve if the student is MIBA and he will review as outlined above. Also, Steve will make some notation if an incoming course is equivalent to macro but not micro, so you will have the information you need. ARCHIVE