Master's of Science Real Estate Devlopment Program Planner ACTIVE
Effective Start Date:03/10/2010 End Date:Current
1st Term: REE 5875, REE 5876, and REE 5878- Prerequisites need: QNTP 5002 and ACTP 5001 2nd Term: REE 5879 and REE 5881- Prerequisites needed REE 5878 3rd Term: REE 5877 and REE 5884- Prerequisites needed REE 5875 and REE 5879 4th Term: REE 5882 and REE 5883-Prerequisites needed REE 5879, REE 5877, ECNP 5003 5thTerm: REE 5880 and REE 5885- Prerequisites needed REE 5875, REE 5876, REE 5879, REE 5882, REE 5884 and FINP 5008 6th Term: REE 5886 and REE 5887- Prerequisites needed REE 5880 and REE 5885 7th Term: REE 5888- Prerequisites all REE courses. Students in their last two terms are generally allowed to take this class as it only comes once a year in the Fall