In response to recent comments from staff regarding the desire to receive ongoing feedback regarding performance, we would like to initiate a formal feedback process and tool. Throughout the year, members of the management team will ask to “sit in” on your advising sessions to observe and provide you feedback regarding your performance. Additionally, this will be an opportunity for training and development, as well as to engage in philosophical discussions pertaining to the practice of advising. I’ve attached the criteria that best encapsulate the duties, functions, and skills necessary to be a successful advisor. We’ll use this form as a way to provide you feedback for your job.
With these sessions, we’ll have an opportunity to partner and build relationships toward the continued goal of excellence in advising. As we identify times that we’d like to observe, we’ll “book” ourselves on your calendars. Additionally, as always, we are available for the more challenging student discussions you may have. You can invite us into any session you’d like.