Location-Based marketing is the use of mobile marketing to target mobile users within a certain geographic area. This practice can be used by businesses to send mobile ads, paid searches or other forms of mobile advertising to people who have been located using GPS or cell tower triangulation. For brands using this type of marketing, there a thin line between “astute” and “peeping tom” that they have to cross each day. A survey provided from messaging technology Company Brainstorm and Mobile Marketing Association found that 74% of users are ok with sharing location based data with third parties. But aren’t we still a little creeped out?
As marketing moves towards the future, embracing location-based marketing will be a wise move to engage with consumers. According to Paul Berney, former CMO of the Mobile Marketing Association, a mobile marketing strategy relies on earning consumers’ trust, and to do so, three steps should be followed – transparency, notice, and choice. Consumers must know when their location is going to be tracked, get a notification about it, and consequently opt-in. Well, that’s good news!
Major brands that have adopted location-based marketing argue that this is a two-way street. Do people really want to push notifications walking down the aisle of a store? When does it become intrusive? An approach that seems to be working for some major players is to use verified social media posts from consumers. By using key information and context, brands can have a more informed communication and increase their chances of engagement and interaction. Heineken’s recent @wherenext campaign, encouraged people to geo-tag their Tweets to receive location-based advice on the best places to go near them in real time. This inspires conversation between brand and user and gains a mutual benefit. Cheers Heineken!
So there you have it, consumers, brands, and technology interacting all at once – now that’s the future, so consumers who want to benefit from personalized services and suggestions are already starting to embrace it!
Angela Serna is an MBA student in the Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University. She can be reached at as2053@nova.edu
#1 by Albany Castro on 8/31/16 - 6:04 PM
#2 by Claire Jackson on 9/1/16 - 8:41 PM
#3 by Stacy-Ann Hook-Osborne on 9/2/16 - 11:22 AM
#4 by Shannon Glynn on 9/2/16 - 1:36 PM
#5 by Stacey Willis on 9/3/16 - 11:31 PM
#6 by Thomas Bouchard on 9/21/16 - 12:38 AM
#7 by Cielle Sands on 9/21/16 - 10:45 AM
#8 by Ariel Rivero on 9/21/16 - 9:43 PM
#9 by Taylor Simmons on 9/21/16 - 10:17 PM
In one of the previous posts we covered the importance of social media and location based data is now a big tactic with social media. Facebook implements things showing where people currently are, who is near you, and tailors ads to where you are. Businesses now see the importance of social media, so it is only natural for businesses to take another page from social media.
I personally think location-based data is a smart move, both for businesses and consumers. I think it’s nice to get a push notification of a sale or coupon for a certain store if I am in that store. It’s advantageous for me to get an extra coupon and save some money. It helps market certain products and help build customer loyalty.
#10 by Jennifer Gulker on 9/21/16 - 10:19 PM
#11 by Joanne Pauyo on 9/22/16 - 10:53 AM
It is a little concerning to have businesses tracking consumers' locations, but, at least, most ask for permission. Personally, I don't like the businesses' ability to track consumers, but there is really nothing one can do. Every credit card transaction or phone call is able to be tracked by the United States' government or other agencies that we don't even know about. At least with Location-Based marketing, the consumer is getting coupons and special discounts. The United States is filled with a diverse population of individuals who will have differing views about Location-Based marketing. Some people will find it intrusive or annoying while others enjoy the open communication. A company must analyze the risks associated with this type of marketing. As mentioned, the best choice is to always ask for permission.
Kotler, P. , & Keller, K.L. (2016). A framework for marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
#12 by Heather Clayton on 9/22/16 - 11:56 PM
#13 by Natasha Turner on 9/23/16 - 6:16 PM
#14 by Meagan Aguilar on 9/24/16 - 5:56 PM
Going forward, I'll be interested to see how this evolves and whether major brands will continue to respect basic boundaries when it comes to interacting with consumers. Great read!
#15 by Andrea Jean on 9/25/16 - 12:41 PM
On the other hand, when a company aggravates me with too much content on a constant basis; I get turned off and as a result, I tend to not purchase any services or products from that company or simply opt-out. It makes me feel as though the company is “desperate” so-to-speak.
A good astute marketing company will use tactfulness and try their best to promote their products or services without pushing the customer or potential customer away.
#16 by Kareem Virgo on 9/25/16 - 12:45 PM
#17 by Gomatie Chowrimootoo on 9/25/16 - 4:59 PM
Burgess, C. 2011. The “Double-Edged Sword” of Location-Based Services. The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christopher-burgess/...
#18 by Devin Ramirez on 9/25/16 - 6:45 PM
#19 by Katrina Savopoulos on 11/4/16 - 10:51 PM